I cried.

He's such a nice person. He's one of the best English teachers that I've ever met and he's one of my best Canadian friends. He is Jason.

He died yesterday. He'd been fighting with Cystic Fibrosis for his whole life. Maybe it was time for him to become an angel. No more pain. No more suffering. No more treatment. No more medication.

He was a brave person.

"Take care!" was the last words I said to him with a bit worry. "I will!" was the last words he said to me with a broad grin on his face. That comforted me. I believed. Then we hugged goodbye. I didn't realize that it would be a farewell. The fresh smell of him made me believe that he would be alright.

The memories kept coming back vividly. I cried when I told Vincent the bad news. Vincent almost cried too. "It's a big loss," he said. I nodded. "I liked him," he said. "Me too!" I cried harder.

I cried because I felt regretting. I hardly had that feeling.

Last September, right before I came back to Taipei from Vancouver, Jason and I had a cup of coffee at our favorite coffee shop in the mall. We talked. We laughed. We had a great time. We had so much in common-- We like the same coffee shop. We like Tim Hortons. We like "made in Canada." And we both LOVE teaching!

However, he left his job for the illness last February. He talked about how much he missed teaching.

To cheer him up, I asked him to mark my writing and continued teaching me until I could talk and write like him. He promised. "It's a lot of hard working," he said. And I promised to write at least one article a month. However, I was so busy when I got back that I didn't write to him. Not even an email. Not even a word! I thought about it from time to time and I said to myself that I would write to him at the coming weekend. But weekends passed by. And now I don't have any chance to write to him again.

I am sooooo sorry! We lost a good friend and I lost a good teacher. I'm so sorry, Jason! I'm sorry that I didn't write to you sooner! Vincent said that you would understand because you're so smart. You must have forgiven me.

We miss you, Jason! As we regret your death for your family's sake, I'm grateful that you must feel no pain now. I don't know what to say but I believe you must be an angel! We don't know what to do that we can't go to your funeral to say goodbye, but we'll do something for you in our way.

Goodbye, Jason! Farewell!

Michelle & Vincent


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