Dear Cookie,

Eight years! You've come to us for eight years! I'm so thankful that you are always cute, sweet and HEALTHY.

Something bad happened to us in the past few weeks but you comforted me everytime when I felt weak or sad- as you always do in the past eight years. (Well, the bad thing was that Brownie is going to be totally blind in a year. Sigh! And I cried for it the whole night when I heard the news.)

You are always the first one that comes to me when I cry or feel hurt. I can't ask more from you. Daddy, Brownie and I are SO lucky to have you!

My love, thank you for everything! Thank you for being YOU!

Daddy and Mommy hope that you'll be happy, sweet and healthy until the day you have to leave us!

And I believe Brownie feels lucky to have you too. You're a good sister to him, I guess. He counts on you.

You, Daddy and I will have to be very strong and brave for this coming year. You know. Because Brownie will never be the same. We need to help Brownie. We even have to accept the fact that Brownie might leave us soon. Please be sweet to him, too! I know you will. You just need some time to understand it.

My dear, I love you so much! Happy Birthday!!!




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